August 2014
Issue No. 10 |
from the IITAV President |
members, friends of IITAV and families,
Welcome to this edition of our Newsletter. It gives a flavour of the
events we have held since February this year, both social and
professional. Our major joint events such as those with Engineers
Australia in April, our recent event with Swinburne University in July,
several informal events and a delightful Holi Hungama are some examples
covered here.
We continue to receive encouraging feedback and a large number of
constructive suggestions which will help to grow the profile of IITs,
IITians and IITAV. Thank you indeed to our non-members and members for
taking the time to attend our events, supporting us and providing the
rich feedback. Indeed, one of my key learnings from Dr Noordin
Shehabuddeen’s talk in July is the need for us to strategically
“unthink” to foster innovative developments for growth.
Our new Management Committee commenced work in May after the AGM. We
have already held well attended events in June and July. The next
networking event is on 19th August, please do attend despite your busy
schedules. Our Diwali event this year is planned for 19th October.
Our membership and the broader mailing list for our communications are
growing. We request IIT alumni who are not yet members to join us in
the journey. The benefits of membership are growing through our
professional, social, networking and other activities. As an example,
our strengthening cooperation with Engineers Australia has helped
attendees to earn Continuous Professional Development points by
attending some of our events. Membership also offers subsidised
admission to many of our events.
On behalf of the Management Committee, I take this opportunity to thank
Dr Sridhar Karuppasami and his team for their sterling effort in
putting together this Newsletter in the new format and trust you will
find it informative and enjoyable.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me or my Committee colleagues with
your feedback and information you might need regarding membership of
With thanks and best wishes,
Dr. Raj Rajakumar
Mob: 0432 474 385
IITAV's AGM 2014 was held on 24th May 2014, at Swinburne University.
Over 20 members attended the meeting.
Raj Rajakumar welcomed
the attendees and presented the 2013-2014 Committee's report. Treasurer
Surinder Lamba presented the finance report of the organization.
Secretary Rahul Tyagi provided a membership update.
Committee positions for 2015
were approved. New Committee members are
- Raj Rajakumar (President)
- Ravi Singh (Vice President)
- Dilip Desai (Secretary)
- Rachana Kaudinya (Treasurer)
- Nikhil Kumar (Committee
- Abaran Deep (Committee Member)
- Kapil Talwar (Committee
- Rakesh Saraf (Committee
- Sridhar Karuppasami
(Committee Member)
information on the Committee members can be found here.
the nomination of the
new Committee, Vice President Ravi Singh facilitated a discussion on
membership growth and enhancing the IIT Profile among the participants.
We take
this opportunity to
acknowledge and thank all Committee members, past and present, for
their hard work and enthusiasm towards IITAV. Further information on
the AGM can be found from here.
Opportunity to Success - A joint event held by
IITAV and Engineers Australia-Victoria
On 10th April 2014, IITAV and Engineers
Australia-Victoria (EA), jointly held a fascinating panel discussion on
“Opportunity to Success” at Engineers Australia in North Melbourne. The
discussion focussed on three elements: Opportunity Identification,
Value Proposition and Execution Strategy. Based on the feedback of
attendees, the event was widely regarded as highly successful in that
it attracted a large audience that was engrossed in every turn of the
Ms. Manika Jain, India’s Consul-General in Melbourne and Mr. John
McIntosh, immediate past President of EA, Victoria, attended
the event and spoke on the occasion. Ms Glenda Graham, Victoria
Division General Manager of EA and several members of EA also attended.

The discussion was facilitated by Jordan Green, Case Manager at
Commercialisation Australia and Chairman, Australian Association of
Angel Investors Ltd. Three IIT alumni and members of IITAV, DD Saxena
(the promoter-founder of Riverina Oils and Bio-Energy Pty Ltd), Rakesh
Agarwal (Managing Director of the Saurin Group of Companies) and Steve
Bungay (Director, Envision Pty Ltd.) contributed as Panel
Strategic Unthinking Through Innovation - Dr
Noordin Shehabuddeen - 30 July 2014
IITAV organised this feature event with Swinburne University. The
intriguing title of the talk attracted much attention and the
interactive session run by Dr Noordin Shehabuddeen lived up to its
career is devoted to innovation management - in
academia, in business and in advice to governments keen to create and
maintain the conditions for high value-adding innovation. He is the
author of ‘Innovation in real life: a hands-on guide to genuine
innovation’. He earned his Doctorate and Masters degrees at
Cambridge University, and presently is Director of Business Engagement
at Swinburne University of Technology. Read
Informal Networking Event, June 2014 |
Nothing like a fun evening in Melbourne’s CBD. As an informal catch-up,
some of our IITAV members got together on Wednesday, 18th June at The
Elephant and Wheelbarrow in Melbourne.

Thanks to
Nikhil for organising the venue. It was the best of our informal
networking city venues so far. Picking a Wednesday was a good idea, the
place was not crowded and a quiet area allowed the participants to
relax and have a chat. Along with our members, we were delighted that
Peter Cai of Eureka report and Manjith Lekhi attended and shared their
always, the discussion was objective, constructive and broader than our
immediate activities. Suggestions included:
- Follow up on our previous
events like iDEA to iNVESTMENT and Opportunity to Success with an event
on obtaining investment, grant applications, execution of strategy etc.
- Hold a big event with
sponsorship to raise the profile and impact, building on what IITAV has
done so far.
- Champion social issues like
sexual abuse, family violence in India etc – feedback on this was
supportive, however IITAV needs to be in a differentiated space
compared to other community organisations and NGOs, perhaps helping to
show how technology may be applied to help tackle these important
- Hold more social events
rather than professional events. It was noted that we have been trying
to do this through several of our events and will aim to improve the
We invite
you to attend these informal events which are proving to be popular and
appreciated as opportunities to get together and exchange experiences
and consider future activities for IITAV.
Invitation: Informal Networking Event, August
2014 |
The Management Committee is pleased to invite you to our next informal
networking event where we meet and catch up with fellow alumni. This
informal networking session is on Tuesday, 19th August at 5:30 PM at
The Elephant and Wheelbarrow, 94-96 Bourke Street, Melbourne
(intersection of Bourke and Exhibition Streets).
We plan to
be at the venue till about 7.00 pm but can stay as long as we need to
chat informally. You may call Nikhil on 0417 103 795 or Raj Rajakumar
on 0432 474 385 when you get to the venue to locate us.
email to mail@iitav.org.au
so that we know to look out for you there. We look
forward to meeting you at The Elephant and Wheelbarrow.
Nikhil Kumar (Mob: 0417 103
795; nikhil_kumar@bigpond.com).
The festival of colours, Holi, was celebrated with gusto at the Spirit
of India in Preston on 15th March 2014. The members were welcomed by
beautifully dressed young ladies with five Holi colours and a rose
water sprinkle.
The venue,
nicely decorated with
flowers, diyas, matkas and colours, was echoed with cheerful Holi
songs, while slides depicting Holi decorated the projector screen. An
atmosphere of delight and merriment prevailed - you just had to be
It was a
pleasure to see the
presence of a younger generation taking to the occasion with such
exuberant enthusiasm.

Dr. Raj
Rajakumar welcomed the guests, who were subsequently entertained by the
considerable talent from within the IITAV family. The comperes, Rashmi
Kapoor and Sangeeta Singh, recited poems about Holi, Radheshyam Gupta
OAM contributed a lovely song. Read
We are happy to give our members a sneak-peek of our upcoming Diwli
social event which we are planning to conduct on Sunday, 19th October
2014. One thing for sure, this year's event will hold more surprises.
We kindly request you to note this date in your diaries and keep the
evening free. Our Committee member Rakesh Saraf and team will keep us
further posted and it is already shaping up as an exotic event.
We are
delighted to congratulate :
Kanga, IIT Bombay alumna, who has been appointed as a
member of the Order of Australia for her outstanding
contributions to Engineering. (Partial
List of Honours)
Rakesh Aggarwal, IIT(BHU) Varanasi alumnus and IITAV Member,
receives 2014 Manufacturer’s Monthly Endeavour Award for Environmental
Solution of the Year.

The judges commended “Longwarry Food Park’s technology solutions that
significantly reduced energy consumption and minimised the use of
packaging material. The business has made a remarkable recovery after
being affected by a fire.”
information on this award can be found
here .
PAN-IIT 2014 |

PanIIT 2014 International conference was held recently in Toronto,
Canada. This conference was hosted jointly by IIT Alumni Canada and USA
under the theme, “Innovate, Integrate, Transform – Let’s Co-Create Our
The event
was well attended by
over 600 IITians, with
representations from Government, academia and industry. His Excellency
The Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada was the
Conference guest of honour and Mr Prem Watsa delivered the keynote
More on this event can be found at their
website .
Recognition of Indian Engineering Degree |
National Board of Accreditation, India has become a
permanent signatory of the Washington Accord from June 2014. This
allows all Engineering programs offered by Tier-1 institutions
accredited by NBA would be recognised by other signatories of this
accord, including Australia. (
More )
welcome Ramprakash Yerramilli, Venki Prathivadi, Madhup
and Venugopal into our family of IITAV Members and
take this opportunity to thank all Members for their continued
participation in IITAV activities.
We take
this opportunity to thank everyone for their contributions.
Special thanks to our Committee Members, Kapil Talwar, Dilip Desai and
Raj Rajakumar for their efforts in producing this newsletter.
To help us improve the newsletter, please send your
feedback and
contributions (news, views and memories) for the next issue to
mail@iitav.org.au or Contact Sridhar (Mob: 0423 587 163,
kprsridhar@yahoo.com). Previous editions of the newsletter are
here .
Members are also requested to update their profiles at our
Thank you.
(On behalf of the IITAV Committee)
Indian Institutes of
Technology (IIT) are the
premier institutes of engineering education in
IITAV is the Alumni Association for IIT
alumni in Victoria. |