Welcome to the alumni of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) residing in Victoria, Australia. This group was established in 2010 with a goal to provide a dynamic platform for social and professional networking, creating opportunities for local IITians to connect and collaborate. Furthermore, we are strongly committed to strengthening business and academic relationships between India and Victoria across various sectors.
Join us in building a robust community that thrives on shared experiences, knowledge, and a common commitment to excellence. Together, let’s make a positive impact on the world around us and create lasting connections that transcend borders.

– Dr. Yogendra Vashishtha, President, IITaV

IIT Alumni, Victoria was established in October 2010 by a group of like minded IITians with the 
following objectives in mind: 

  • Contribute to the social, economic and environmental development of Victoria
  • Connecting alumni with each other, global alumni associations, IIT chapters and with IITs
  • Providing resources and support to help alumni achieve their personal and professional goals
  • Provide alumni with opportunities to network with business, academia, government and industry bodies
  • Encourage alumni to use their skills and talents to make a positive impact in ANZ
  • Contribute to the social, economic and environmental development in ANZ
  • Promote Innovation and entrepreneurship
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